Sourcewell Contract

Sourcewell Contract

Contract # 111616-AEI (Valid through January 2021)

Audio Enhancement, Inc. is focused on discovering ways to enrich teaching and learning for all students with four customizable solutions.

Classroom Audio

The Classroom Audio System allows students to hear the lesson, regardless of where they sit.

SAFE System

SAFE System (Security Alert for Education) gives first responders time, date, and location of incidents and sends a visual notification to teachers the alert was received for peace of mind.


VIEWpath (Video Interactive Education Window) helps teachers identify improvement areas, gives impartial records for evaluation, and allows for virtual coaching.

EPIC System

EPIC System (Education Paging and Intercom Communications) boosts school-wide communication with easily customizable intercom, paging, and bells through an interactive campus map.

Our Sourcewell Products and Pricing are in the catalog below