How Audio Enhancement Can Make Your School EPIC

How Audio Enhancement Can Make Your School EPIC

Forty years ago, schools looked completely different than they do now. Changes in curriculum and advances in technology have brought education into a new era. Audio Enhancement started out with the mission to help all students hear evenly in the classroom, and just like technology has advanced in the past few decades, Audio Enhancement has worked hard to make learning more and more effective.

Introducing EPIC (Education Paging & Intercom Communications) System™! Built specifically for K-12 education, EPIC System provides the latest technology to make communication in your school not only easy, but extra efficient. With a two-way intercom that’s hands-free for teachers, customizable paging and bell zones, and integration of SAFE (Signal Alert for Education) System™, EPIC System will bring your school communication to the next era.

EPIC System makes it a breeze for the front office to communicate with any classroom in the school. With an interactive campus map and touchscreen monitor, front office staff have the whole school at their fingertips. They simply press on the classroom with which they want to communicate and chime in. The teacher responds through an ambient microphone and the lesson is not greatly interrupted.

With just a few taps on the touchscreen, school bells can be customized for different zones and different days.

The touchscreen monitor also facilitates paging and bell scheduling. There’s no need to call a technician to change the school bell system, and no more are the days of interrupting testing and other classrooms in the school with bells that don’t pertain to them. With just a few taps on the touchscreen, bells can be customized for different zones and different days. Plus, you can change up the sound of your bells to any MP3 song. Play the school’s fight song on game days or a Christmas song on the last day before winter break, and dance your way to class!

SAFE System provides that extra peace of mind to not only teachers and staff, but to students and their parents as well.

EPIC System incorporates SAFE System, which provides discreet alert buttons on teacher microphones and in the front office that can be pressed to send a signal through the EPIC System server, alerting first responders. SAFE System provides that extra peace of mind to not only teachers and staff, but to students and their parents as well. In case of medical emergencies, bullying, or the ever-growing violence in schools, the right people could be notified and on the way within seconds.

As stated above, schools were completely different 40 years ago. The world and its technology has advanced, so there is no reason for schools not to incorporate technology that could make them more efficient, effective, and safe. EPIC System was developed to simplify schoolwide  communication, giving administrators more time to focus on shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

Employee Spotlight: Alex North, Territory Sales Manager

Employee Spotlight: Alex North, Territory Sales Manager

After teaching for four years, Alex North made his way to Audio Enhancement, where he continues to make an impact in education. North is the Territory Sales Manager over Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia. He is dedicated to not only bringing Audio Enhancement to more schools in his region, but to making sure each of those schools is using the technology to make classrooms more effective. Continue reading “Employee Spotlight: Alex North, Territory Sales Manager”