The 4 Cs of 21st Century Learning: Part One

The 4 Cs of 21st Century Learning: Part One

For over a decade, educators have been talking about and researching the “21st Century Skills” needed in the workplace today. Associations such as Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) and the National Education Association (NEA) agree that life today in the workplace and at home is significantly more complex than it was 50 years ago. It is not enough to simply know how to read, write, and do math. Skills and demands have changed, and the job market requires people who can solve problems and know how to communicate. The 4 Cs of 21st Century Learning are four skills that educational leaders from P21 agree are the most important for K-12 education. These are critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Why are they so important?

Critical Thinking

What is it?

Critical thinking entails reasoning, problem solving, analyzing, and evaluating evidence and points of view, making connections, and drawing conclusions from all that information.

Why should K-12 embrace it?

Critical thinking skills lead to the development of thought processing and concentration. The political, financial, and society problems we face today are complex and tiered and are going to require critical thinking and problem-solving skills to resolve. Students need to be prepared to face these issues, and a large sum of that preparation occurs in their K-12 education.

Apply it: 12 Strong Strategies for Effectively Teaching Critical Thinking Skills


What is it?

Communication requires explaining, negotiating, articulating thoughts clearly, persuading, informing, etc. It plays a huge role in our world today, whether verbal or non-verbal, written, through social media or a growing number of technologies.

Why should K-12 embrace it?

The world is more connected now than ever, yet many employers still feel that many employees are lacking in basic oral and written communication skills. Businesses understand the importance of communication, and these skills need to be a focus in education as children become the working adults of the job force.

Apply it: Helping Children Communicate

Come back next week to learn about the other two Cs of 21st Century Learning!

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