A Mother’s Desire for Equal Education

A Mother’s Desire for Equal Education

In 1978, a mom set out to ensure the brightest future for her children. Claudia Anderson wanted to make sure two of her sons, Jeremy and Justin, would receive the same education that her other kids would, despite being hearing impaired.

A pioneer in the industry, Claudia devised an amplification system with a microphone that her sons’ teachers could use. With this first makeshift system, Jeremy and Justin were able to hear their teachers better and started improving their performance in school. Unexpectedly, so did the students around them. Claudia’s effort to help her own children transformed into something much more meaningful when she realized classroom audio could help all students, not only the those who are hearing impaired.

As more teachers used the audio systems in their classrooms, they realized they were less tired at the end of the day, their voice was not strained, and students performed better with sound amplification. Thus, Audio Enhancement, Inc. and its first product were created. Since then, scientific research studies have proven this this correlation to be true: when students hear better, they learn better, and their test scores improve.

Fast forward 40 years, and the company continues to be owned and operated by the Anderson family. Jeremy and Justin received an education just like their peers, and today, along with their siblings Jennifer and Jeff, they are co-owners and executives of the company Claudia started. Audio Enhancement, Inc. still has the same mission she had in 1978: to maximize learning for each and every student by making classrooms more effective.

Audio Enhancement continues to lead the industry with Classroom Audio Solutions and other innovative solutions such as SAFE System, VIEWpath, and Intercom, Paging, and Bells. Click here to find out when these solutions were introduced.

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